Author Archive

Are West Texas nurses criminals or health advocates? (Part 2)

Austin American-Statesman, February 1, 2010

Remember the two West Texas nurses who were not only fired from their jobs but also indicted on third-degree felony charges for doing what they thought was right?

To me, there appears to be so much wrong here — arrogance, vindictiveness, downright good-ol’-boy idiocy — that it’s hard to know where to begin.


Vaccines are real science for real health threats

Austin American-Statesman, January 19, 2010

Vaccines represent the greatest success story in public health — the triumph of human achievement over disease. But as the incidence of infectious diseases has […]


Make-believe is a special place we all should visit

Austin American-Statesman, December 24, 2009

A few weeks ago, the American-Statesman ran my column on the widespread, irrational fear of vaccinations among parents. Soon afterward, I heard from my friend Martha Williams. “Bravo, Toni,” she wrote in an e-mail. “Vaccines did not cause my son’s autism!”


Taking on doubt over vaccinations against disease

Austin American-Statesman, November 30, 2009

On a recent Saturday, Rondah Kentch and I cared for eight premature babies in our neonatal intensive care bay. All of them were adorable, nearing discharge and had blank immunization consents on the fronts of their charts, waiting for signature.


One man’s dream come true sounds like a nightmare

Austin American-Statesman, October 2, 2009

To vary a line from “Cool Hand Luke,” what we’ve got here is … failure of city leadership.

American-Statesman columnist Michael Barnes reported in Tuesday’s editions that the biggest post-Austin City Limits Music Festival bash in history is to be held at the iconic Seaholm Power Plant on Friday and Saturday nights. It’s a dream come true for producer Jason Hicks, Barnes wrote: “The Seaholm project is his moonshot.”


Health reform must address primary care shortcomings

Austin American-Statesman, September 11, 2009

As a 30-year neonatal intensive care unit nurse, I know that America funds and delivers the finest high-technology care in the world. But when I admit so many babies of working parents with no insurance and work way too hard to find primary care providers for the babies we send home, I know our country has a terrible problem.


Retaliation against West Texas nurses is unacceptable (Part 1)

Austin American-Statesman, August 3, 2009

In a stunning display of good ol’ boy idiocy and abuse of prosecutorial discretion, two West Texas nurses have been fired from their jobs and indicted with a third-degree felony carrying potential penalties of two-to-ten years’ imprisonment and a maximum fine of $10,000.


Don’t lower Texas’ RN standards

San Antonio Express-News, April 10, 2009

The 81st Legislature is weighing legislation that would lower nursing basic educational standards to help fight the nursing shortage in Texas. Bad idea. Some background: […]


CMS Reimbursement Changes Shine the Light on Patient Safety and Nursing Care

Texas Nursing Voice [Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 5], December 1, 2008

The hammer comes down this month. Beginning in October (the start of the federal 2009 fiscal year), Medicare will no longer reimburse hospitals at the […]


Texas professional nurses don’t need unions

Fort Worth Star Telegram, November 13, 2008

Continuing a campaign to unionize Texas nurses, today the California Nurses Association is holding a rally on the Capitol steps in Austin. This out-of-state union’s […]