The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hospitals and the American public were taken totally off guard by our first Ebola patient. The CDC’s reaction […]
Author Archive
Robin Williams exemplifies the link between creative genius and mental illness
Texas Nursing Voice, August 14, 2014
Let’s imagine we’re all sitting in a room together and someone says, “Raise your hand if you love Robin Williams.” We would probably all raise […]
Dress-down of media merited regarding Hillary Clinton coverage
Austin American-Statesman, June 25, 2014
The line into BookPeople on June 20 snaked from West Sixth Street and Lamar Boulevard (in full sun) north to West Ninth Street, east to […]
Nurses, the heart of health care
Austin American-Statesman, May 5, 2014
Surprisingly, the eminent Arnold Relman — physician, researcher, author, former Harvard professor and editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine who frequently […]
McPhee saved the babies, left spiritual legacy
Austin American-Statesman, April 19, 2014
The iconic Sr. Mary Rose McPhee, who died April 15 at the age of 95 at a Daughters of Charity retirement center in Evansville, Ind., […]
Vaccine fear derails triumph over disease
Austin American-Statesman, April 1, 2014
Arguably the greatest success story in public health, vaccines demonstrate the triumph of human achievement over disease. But during the last decade or so, I’ve […]
Predictions of water wars not far-fetched
Austin American Statesman, February 5, 2014
Long before “global warming” was a household term, my father-in-law, Dr. Jack Inglis, would pronounce that it would all come down to our killing each […]
Solid alternatives to ERs still lacking
Austin American-Statesman, January 22, 2014
On the second day of the new year, I slipped on a rock and fell into Shoal Creek. When I saw the gigantic splash coupled […]
Contact Info
Toni Inglis
800 W 5th St Apt 805
Austin, TX 78703