Did any of you get as sick as I did of hearing about the vaunted pork chop on a stick at the Iowa State Fair, […]
Other Articles
There’s something for everyone at the State Fair of Texas
Austin American-Statesman, October 6, 2015
Why local prosecution of crimes by state officials is a bad idea
Austin American-Statesman, June 17, 2015
As Republicans pound their chests trumpeting the success of the 84th legislative session, many of us are left wondering which was the lousiest bill passed. […]
Robin Williams exemplifies the link between creative genius and mental illness
Texas Nursing Voice, August 14, 2014
Let’s imagine we’re all sitting in a room together and someone says, “Raise your hand if you love Robin Williams.” We would probably all raise […]
Dress-down of media merited regarding Hillary Clinton coverage
Austin American-Statesman, June 25, 2014
The line into BookPeople on June 20 snaked from West Sixth Street and Lamar Boulevard (in full sun) north to West Ninth Street, east to […]
McPhee saved the babies, left spiritual legacy
Austin American-Statesman, April 19, 2014
The iconic Sr. Mary Rose McPhee, who died April 15 at the age of 95 at a Daughters of Charity retirement center in Evansville, Ind., […]
Predictions of water wars not far-fetched
Austin American Statesman, February 5, 2014
Long before “global warming” was a household term, my father-in-law, Dr. Jack Inglis, would pronounce that it would all come down to our killing each […]
Nothing says Thanksgiving like a jar of green beans
Austin American-Statesman, November 28, 2013
Here we are at Thanksgiving, that holiday when we gather in a confined space to eat to oblivion with loved ones and rediscover all the […]
Religious sisterhood’s mission never ends
Austin American-Statesman, October 27, 2013
The announcement in September that the Daughters of Charity will leave Austin by 2014, after 113 years in this community, came as a shock to […]
Contact Info
Toni Inglis
800 W 5th St Apt 805
Austin, TX 78703